Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Why do we as Christians say the most horrible things in front of lost people?

Why do people like drugs? Are they an escape from God? Why do people want to do drugs?

Have you ever had someone look at you in a way that you knew they were judging you or thinking that they were so much better than you? Me too, I wonder what makes people do that? I may not agree with some people, but I don't think I'm better than they are. Sometimes I just want to say "What, am I not good enough to be in your presence?"

Have you ever wondered why pizza comes in a square box? Doesn't a round box make more sense, or how about a square pizza?

Why do people wonder what beggars do with the money you give them? Doesn't God just require us to help others? Do you think he's setting up in Heaven saying "Now make sure they buy food and not beer." ? I mean really, we worry way to much about what others do and don't pay near enough attention to what we, ourselves, do. Do they some how think that if that person buys beer or cigarettes that they will have to suffer the consequences or pay for another person's sin????

Why do you only hear crickets at night?

Please answer any of these that you may know the answers to.

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