Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Just One More Hurdle

Well I finally graduated from nursing school ... Well, pinned actually, graduation isn't until May, but doubtful I go. I can't believe it's finally over. It seems like I just started school in some ways, and in others, it feels like it has been forever.

I am just so thankful to God for his many blessings, and for seeing me through. I just have one more hurdle to cross, and that is my state board exam. It is soon. I am studying a little everyday until I take it, and I have faith that I will do fine. God wouldn't have led me to it if he wasn't on planning on getting me through it!

Just please be in prayer for me, that I will not be nervous (I have serious test anxiety), and that I will pass boards and then all I have to worry about is all of my training and orientation. Thanks so much!

God bless!