Wednesday, June 25, 2008

When Life Throws You Lemons

You make lemonade right?

Lately things have not gone the way I'd like for them to go. We've had issues with our teenage boys, which, by the way, seems to have gotten better. We've had issues with co-workers, and now I am having issues with my mother. But I am praising God because I know that somewhere there is a lesson for me to learn.

Please continue to pray for us! Have a great, glorious, and blessed day!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


As I was driving my kids to summer school this morning, I started thinking about everything that is going on in our home. Satan has definitely figured out how to get to us, and I know it's him because my oldest son hasn't been sitting through a church service in a long time, he ends up leaving a service for high blood sugar, or stomach hurting, or something. We seem to NEVER have any time to get in our Bible's everyday. That is Satan! Satan DOES NOT want us to hear the word of God. He does not want us to get closer to God. Satan will try his best to break up a family, and believe me when I say he is well on his way in my family.

I have handed it over to God. I have asked for help from our church like I always hear we should, and now I just have to trust that God does not want Satan to be doing this to us, and if we turn to God, and put HIM back in first position in our lives, HE will handle this for us.

I pray for healing for my family, I pray that my boys will seek God and put HIM first so that they can have a close relationship with HIM. I pray that God will show us all the error of our ways and help us to change the things that are ungodly in our lives. I pray that Stanley and I will recognize that this is Satan, and we WILL NOT let him steal our joy and our peace. I pray that we lead by example, and stop being busy for God and start being close to God. Please pray for these things as well. We need all the prayer we can get!

Have a great, glorious, and blessed day!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Facing Crisis

We are facing a crisis in the Stevenson home. Satan has found a way to steal our peace and I was thinking about how I need to turn to God more for guidance, I was led to a website that was sent to me in email by a friend. God's YellowPages is a great place to find scriptures relating to your problems.

Please pray for God to guide all of our actions during this time, and to bind Satan from further attacks.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Thankful Thursday - God's Word

I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God's Holy Word, I will make it a lamp
unto my feet and a light unto my path and will hide its words in my heart that I
might not sin against God.

As I was at VBS last night saying this pledge, I realized how thankful I am for God's word. Without God's word we would not know how to handle everyday life situations. We would not know how to act, and we would not know the sacrifice Jesus made for us.

I am so very thankful to God for HIS word and I am going to remind myself of this pledge so that I will get in HIS word more and hide HIS word in my heart so that I can have a better walk with HIM.

What Do You Think?

I had a disagreement with someone over how to take care of a child who is diabetic/not responsible. I told the person we would just have to agree to disagree because I will not ever believe the way they do, and it's doubtful they will believe the way I do.

It was about my son who is diabetic, and does not think he has to keep his blood sugar under control. He does not show responsibility in taking care of his blood sugar, and therefore eats sugary foods without getting shots for them.

The disagreement came from the fact that this person keeps sweets, junk food, regular sodas, and that kind of stuff around my son when he is in his care, but then expects him not to eat it. He also says he is not responsible for my son while I am in the same building. To me that is backing out of his responsibility, and so how does he expect my son to be responsible if he can't even take the responsibility of taking care of my son while in his care?

His feeling is that since my son can go to the gas station nearby and buy junk food while away from me, that I should not worry about keeping it in his face, and around the house, that I should expect him to be responsible not to eat it. I feel like then maybe I need to buy alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and while I am at it. a loaded gun, and I will keep that in the house and expect all of my children not to get in any of it, drink it, smoke it, or use it. Come on, we are talking about a teenager, not an adult. Everyone knows that teenagers lose their brains and can't make good decisions over 60% of the time.

Adults are called adults, and kids are called kids for a reason. If I keep a loaded gun around my house and my child accidentally shoots someone, guess what? I go to jail ...WHY? Because I am supposed to be the responsible one. So the same can be said about keeping concentrated sweets, drugs, alcohol, and other dangerous things in the house. If I keep it, and my son goes into a coma, who do you think the doctor is going to blame?

Would you leave an unresponsible child home alone over and over to make them more responsible? You really can't do that. So you don't keep the concentrated sweets in front of an unresponsible diabetic and expect he will eventually become responsible. The adult has to step up and be responsible in this situation. And to me, the responsible thing to do would be to keep concentrated sweets away from a child who does not need it. It is the same with children with allergies. No responsible adult keeps foods their children are allergic to in their face. It is too dangerous.

That's my opinion, what's yours?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Today's Thought