Thursday, August 7, 2008

I Am Blessed!

As my wedding anniversary approaches, I am thinking about how far Stanley and I have come, and how much in love with him I still am after 17 years together. We still hold hands, sit by each other on the couch and snuggle (or as Noah Short says, "nuggle"). We hold hands when we pray, we say "I love you" all the time, we kiss each other everyday, everynight, and several times in bewteen. We truly love each other and WORK at our marriage. I often PRAISE GOD for the husband I have. I KNOW FOR A FACT that he is the man GOD intended me to be with. I am so fortunate to have a husband who loves the LORD, his family, and works so hard to provide for us.

If I were to give marriage advice, this is what I would say.

1. PUT GOD FIRST, then your SPOUSE, then your kids, then your extended family, and then your friends. IT WILL NOT WORK IF YOU PUT ANYONE EXCEPT GOD BEFORE YOUR SPOUSE!!!!

2. "Date" your spouse as often as you can. Flirt with your spouse everyday!

3. TALK about your problems calmly and as soon as they arrise (a lesson it took me a long time to learn), letting it stir is bad and no one wants to talk to someone who is yelling!


5. Don't criticize or call names, just explain what is wrong and ask that they stop.

6. Last but not LEAST -- Pray for your marriage! Pray for God to strengthen it and draw you closer to each other. Pray for your spouse and for yourself too!

It is sad when people start having problems in their marriage, and they turn away from God instead of toward God. It is more sad when Church family turns their back on couples who need spiritual guidance and support!!!! We should not be judgmental, we should reach out and offer help! I am praying for several couples who need the church, and have tried to help in any way I could ... but like our guest preacher said Sunday ... divorce affects everyone, not just the couple. I don't want to see the people I love seperate, not just for my sake, but for their kids and family's sake. And because I know that GOD IS AGAINST DIVORCE!

Well I am off to think about my loving husband, and to brainstorm a great place for us to go out to eat this Saturday (anniversary is on Friday, but have to work :( ) ... we want to start a tradition so I want it to be a good place, but I also like my favorite place (LOS AMIGOS)! Any suggestions?

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