Monday, January 7, 2008

More This & That

Stanley has been sick for a while now, I started getting it on Wednesday, sniffling and such. Over the weekend I started feeling pretty bad. We missed church Sunday morning because we felt so bad. We had the alarm set, but we must have turned it off and slept longer because we didn't get out of bed until after 1PM and then we laid around on the couch. We would have missed last night but I needed to get my paper for TeamKid. Ended up, it wasn't there, but that's ok.

I have no energy, all I want to do is sleep. I feel like I have a tad of motion sickness, and my head feels like it's going to explode. Generic mucinex is helping with sinus and congestion. I just pray I get over this soon. I start nursing school in exactly one week and what's left of freedom and relaxation will be spent nursing whatever it is I have.

I have got to force myself to clean out my van this week. The carpet needs to be cleaned. the windows need to be cleaned. It has been neglected and I want it cleaned out and ready for a new semester of school. Though with gas prices rising, I may have to buy a tiny gas saving car since I will be going to school 5 days a week for the next 4 months-2 years. Gas was costing me $60-$80 a week only going to school two days a week, so I'm scared of what it will cost going 5 days.

Have a great. glorious, and blessed day!

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