Monday, August 27, 2007

Just Stuff

Well I just got on here for a few minutes before I start doing my homework and going over cheers for practice tonight. I have a ton of homework to do, and most of it is due by Friday. I have a full plate this week, so I'm not sure how often I will be able to blog, but I will try to everyday.

This is my last week of work, so hopefully things will get back to normal, and we will be able to implement a daily devotional into our busy schedules. Saying your going to do it and doing it are very different things. We always say we will, and we may even start it, but then something happens and we don't continue. I believe a family devotional is just what we need.

I have been having issues the past few weeks. I've decided to just let it go and let God deal with it all. I am going to focus on him and what I need to do and then I won't have to stress over the other things because I know he will take care of it.

I hope you have a great, glorious, and blessed day.

Dear Lord, I thank you for this day and the many blessings you give us each day. Lord I give you all my troubles and issues, I ask that you deal with them, do your will with them, and let me let go of them emotionally. I pray that you work on me, guide and direct me, make me more like Jesus, and let others see Jesus in me. All this I ask in Jesus' name, Amen!

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