Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I Need Help - Laryngitis Would Be Great!

I found out this morning that the person who always causes Stanley trouble at work, managed to whine enough about some overtime that Stanley was getting (even though this person gets a lot of overtime), so now Stanley won't get that particular overtime anymore.

It's a shame that someone who makes more money than us and has three less mouths to feed, who works almost every Saturday and any time he can to get overtime, would concern himself with our business, and be so envious of a measly 30 minutes a day of overtime, that he would make sure Stanley lost it. That is kind of like taking food out of my kids mouths, which upsets me greatly.

This person steals Stanley's food, gives his food to other people, goes to the office and whines about everything Stanley does, and has even tried to get his job. Yeah folks, this is what Christians are starting to look like. No wonder the lost are running as far away as they can from Christianity, you can't tell the difference between Christians and the lost anymore. (And I'm talking about a lot of Christians, myself included).

I just keep telling myself that Psalm 37:8 says: Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil. Because I feel a storm brewing in my mouth and if I see this person, Hurricane Cindy just might make landfall. I can't deal with this person anymore. I need to distance myself from this person as much as possible because Stanley won't say anything to him, so he thinks he can just keep walking all over him, and he needs to know he can't keep doing this and Stanley & I continue to ignore it.

Dear Lord, I thank you for everything that we have, and even for the things we don't have because you know more than we do what we need. Lord I need your guidance, your strength, your mercy, I need your wisdom...I ask that you please help me with the above situation. You say you won't give us more than we can handle, and I know you mean what you say. Lord please help me show Christ in me, help me to say only good things and not bad things. Please forgive me of many many failures. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

1 comment:

Erik said...

I's nice to see there are still people attempting to emulate Christ. Thank you for writing about how you see things. Initially, I thought this article was going to go the same way many "Christian" articles do on the the net. Wah wah wah...how persecuted I am.

It was nice to read that you stopped, did a quick Jesus adjustment and realized how blessed you are. There are always going to be those who make more and envy the things of those who have less. Unfortunately, you are right, many are wearing the cloak of Christianity.

It's wonderful to see a thankful heart in the face of adversity. I wish more would stop calling themselves Christian would start being.

Christianity is often viewed as being better than someone else in today's church. I appreciate Jesus's example: Love those who offend and persecute. If only we as a "Christian Nation" could follow the example Christ set.

As far as the wolf in sheep's clothing your husband has been dealing with...A wise woman once told me, "If someone really upsets you, bake them brownies."

Peace, love and joy.