Saturday, August 4, 2007

College/School/Church Happenings

I changed my fall schedule at college. The Assistant Dean of Nursing advised me that trying to take English 102 while taking nursing classes and medical microbiology would be a full load. She told me that I should cancel my Phlebotomy class and put English 102 and Intro To Art in its place. This will also help me to be home around 4PM instead of 8PM, and I'm sure my husband and children are delighted with that.

The kids start back to school August 7th. I have enjoyed them but I am ready to have my peace and quiet back. My grocery bill will also go down and that's always a plus. They are excited and I am excited for them. I cannot believe that my youngest boys are going to be in middle school this year. My how time flies!

Tomorrow is our Homecoming at church and I cannot wait. The singing and the music put you in the proper worship mood, and then the preaching puts you back on the right path. I am fixing broccoli and cauliflower casserole and "Heavenly Eggs" (as my Sunday School teacher calls them) We have a big potluck meal afterwards, last years was awesome!

Have a great, glorious, and blessed day!

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