Monday, July 30, 2007

What A Blessed Sunday!

Wow! I can't even begin to describe Sunday at our church. It was awesome to say the least! When you have a lot of people truly worshipping the Lord, you can feel his presence so strongly that it just does something to you.

Saturday I had worked 10.75 hours, and while I was working I started feeling really bad. I get bad cramps for no reason, doctors think it's endometriosis, we got to do some things to find out for sure. Anyway, the cramps make walking a chore. I came home, Stanley and I went to the store to buy easy stuff so I wouldn't have to cook, we got a couple of movies and came back home. I was still cramping. We ate and started watching the second movie and I fell asleep.

I didn't sleep well all night though because of the cramping, I woke up Sunday morning feeling really bad, and was planning on staying home. All of a sudden I jumped up to get ready, mainly because I thought we were singing a certain song in the choir and I didn't want to miss it, (I rarely miss church)...we didn't sing that song, but I am so glad I didn't miss church because I would have missed out on the blessing of worshipping God.

Sunday night was full of worship as well. The songs and the scripture really touched me. I pray every Sunday is like this. That we don't just go through the motions, but truly worship the Lord and watch him work.

Have a great, glorious, and blessed day!

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