Thursday, April 16, 2009

When It Rains It Pours

Please pray for Stanley's mom. She had a stroke in her sleep Tuesday night, woke up Wednesday morning not feeling well, had a headache and blurred vision, but did not let anyone know. Stanley's dad came home from work Wednesday afternoon and noticed her acting funny, checked her blood pressure and it was very high, so they took her to Western Baptist. She is now on the 5th floor awaiting tests to see why she had the stroke. (probably the high blood pressure).

The stroke was in the back of the brain in the area that controls vision. She still is having vision problems, and has a hard time thinking about things. She does know who she is, where she is, and what happened though, so that is good. Praise God it isn't any worse than it is.

If you have a stroke, you have a 3 hour window in which to reverse the damage. She was well past that window, so God must have been looking out for her.

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