Friday, January 16, 2009

Learning About Myself

  1. I have come to realize that I may be too outspoken. I realized I had this problem when I was a teenager, but then somehow I grew out of it, and then now that I am back in Church, I am back to be being outspoken again. I am the type of person that I don't care who you are, if I think you have done me wrong or my family wrong, I will be the first one to tell you about it. I am usually nice about it unless you ignore me or defend your behavior, and then I might not be so nice. Some people cannot handle this about me, and so I don't make friends very easily. Once people see that I am not this way just to be mean, then they get to know me and like me, but it takes some time for people to get that close.
  2. I have come to realize that I am not the type of person who searches for or longs for a leadership role. Not to say that I wouldn't want a leadership role if the position were right, I just don't "need" it in order to feel like somebody important. I may not be important to anyone but my family, but that is OK with me. I see a lot of people look for leadership roles just to say "Look at me!", "Look what I am doing." I don't want to ever be that way because then it isn't for God's glory, it's for mine, and that would be wrong.
  3. I get annoyed with advice that comes from people who have not been in my situation, and because of that, I try not to give advice to people if I have not been there myself. We all think we know all the answers and it is real easy to tell someone else what to do, but not as easy when you are standing in the situation.
  4. I am a lot tougher than I thought I was, and I know I owe it ALL to God. He has given me more strength than I thought was possible over the past several years. God is truly amazing!
  5. I am so happy to be happily married. I go to school with a bunch of young girls and overhear them talk about dating ... I could not do that again. I LOVE stability. I love knowing that I have someone who loves me and only me. I love it that there are many predictable things in my life (I don't like surprises), and I love it that at the end of the day I have a soft place to fall and I will always be caught by my husband's loving arms.
  6. I do not like confrontation, and express myself better in writing. I don't mind talking face to face, but I am more apt to becoming emotional or upset and do not like others to see me cry.
  7. Sci-Fi movies are NOT for me ... give me a good romantic comedy and I am good to go!

I have learned a lot about myself over the past few years in school. I know I will continue to learn more as I grow older and continue to change. I am looking forward to the adventure.

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