Sunday, November 9, 2008

Dreading The Holidays

The more I look at the extra bills I have for the next few months (county & city property tax, & house insurance ... over $1000 thankyouverymuch), and the more I think about the unknown (whether or not we will have my friend's kid over the holidays, or permanent???), the more I am dreading Christmas.

The economy just stinks, everything costs an arm and a leg, and maybe even a kidney... and so it looks like Christmas will be slim this year. At least we love each other and have a place to live. Some people don't even have a home or family to be with, so I am thankful that I have that.

Once I become a nurse and start contributing financially to this family, I will feel a lot better about the holidays. School costs us about $100 a week, and have you tried to feed three teenage boys? My goodness! Not to mention the two picky girls in the house. Feeding 5 kids on one income is definitely challenging. God does provide, and I thank HIM for that everyday!

At least my sister is cooking Christmas dinner, with my surgery, I don't need to be trying to do that this year. I may try to cook Thanksgiving though if I have time with all the testing I have for this month! Thank God there is just one more month of classes for this year!

1 comment:

Angela Belt-Newcom said...

Let me know if you are going to cook Thanksgiving dinner and we will try to come to your house too. I am going to see what time we have to be at my sister-n-laws and let you know. :)