Monday, October 6, 2008

I AM ...

#1. A big pain in the butt, and I am totally aware of it, and totally ok with it. I have to be stubborn in many ways in order to do God's work. I have to be honest because I am a bad liar, and lying stinks anyway! I know, I was lied to all of my life! I have to try and help people even if they really don't want my help, because that is me, that is who I am. I like to help people!

#2. Extremely tired, worn out, and emotionally drained from all the studying I do that barely makes the grade. I keep telling myself "ONE MORE YEAR!"

#3. Excited because this semester is half over already!

#4. Upset because I only get one day off for fall break, the kids get the whole week!

#5. A servant! I am totally ok with always being a helper in VBS, a helper in KidsFest, or just a member of the church. I don't have to be in a leadership role because a true servant wants to serve, not be the leader to get attention or to brag. It's about God, it is NOT about me!

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