Friday, September 21, 2007

Urgent Prayer Request

Please pray for my best friend. She had some tests come back that weren't in her favor and she is having more tests run. Pray that God will protect her and keep her from harm. She doesn't have a personal relationship with Christ and she is studying other religions. I am only one person trying to compete with so many other things that I feel so helpless and hopeless.

I mourn for her soul and I mourn for what is going on with her right now. I have been so emotional since this test came back. It is like it is so much more important for me to get her saved, but I don't know how to get her there without pushing her away. She seems so believing of other religions but doesn't believe Jesus Christ is the only way to get to God. I just feel like I am failing God by not leading her to him.

Dear Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for this beautiful day and all that I have. I love you so much and want so much to be more like Jesus. Please help me to be more patient, more understanding, have more self control and more love for others. Lord I know I have failed you many times this week. Lord I ask for your forgiveness for all the ways I have failed you, including those I don't remember. Lord I have a heavy burden that I need to hand over to you. My friend is in need of your love, your mercy, and your forgiveness, she just doesn't realize it yet. Lord I pray so strongly for her. She needs to be saved and she needs for this test to come back ok. I give it to you Lord, I pray for your will to be done. I may not understand what is going on, but I know your way is the best way. Help me be a tool that you can use. Give me wisdom and strength. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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