Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Books, Paper, & Homework - OH MY!

Yesterday was HOT, and I had to walk very FAR to get to my classes. The first day was crazy, there was a scheduling conflict with classrooms and so one of my classes was moved to another building, but it could be moved back by next week, who knows.

I like my professors, which is good. I am really going to have to hit the books this semester. No more putting homework and studying off until the day before it's due ... I will have to put in two hours every single day just in my Anatomy & Lab classes just to keep up, that's not counting my three online classes.

In one day I managed to get more homework then my kids do all week ... yes, that's right, I'll be lost in books and possibly in thought somewhere in my house today. If you don't see me by Sunday, please call a search party.

Have a great, glorious, and blessed day!

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