Sunday, August 12, 2007

Answered Prayers

Isn't it amazing how a Sunday morning at church can be God's way of answering your prayers? I have been dealing with issues this week. Issues like having so many responsibilities that I feel overwhelmed, to dealing with Satan coming at me through people I love or encounter in my life. Today our Sunday School teacher and our Pastor covered both of these issues. The answer, of course, is to look to God, not only in prayer, but by getting into His word as well. Something I have been neglecting to do. I pray all the time, prayer is easy, but sitting down to be still and quiet long enough to read my Bible isn't so easy.

God really spoke to me this morning, and I feel so blessed to have a Heavenly Father who forgives me for my many failures in this life. His mercy and love are an amazing, wonderful, and sometimes overwhelming miracle. I feel so useless sometimes as a child of God, that I'm not doing enough to bring others to Christ, or that I don't serve in every way I can. I try so hard to be a tool that He can use, but still I know I don't do enough.

I have a few people in my life that I would love to see come to Christ. I pray for them continually. I talk to them about God and Jesus, yet I haven't gotten anywhere. I am going to be a counselor at the Will Graham Celebration, and hopefully and prayerfully I can get them to come. I pray that God speaks to them so strongly that they can't deny Him anymore.

I pray that your day is or will be as big of a blessing as mine has been! God Bless You!

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