Friday, June 26, 2009

I Have Learned ...

The biggest hypocrites are not the sinners who go to church, but the sinners who go to church saying they didn't sin.

Never tell your problems to anyone but to God or your therapist.

Some people forgive, but some don't.

We tend to always look at others sins as worse than our own, even though they are NOT.

People will judge you and choose not to like you, maybe even with no fault of your own, but it's OK. You will survive!

NEVER let others opinions of you become your reality.

You can never be too bad for Jesus, only too good!

It is possible for you to be too big for God to use, but never to small for God to use. We tend to disagree with that and think only Christians who have been in church all of their lives can do anything. We grow best by reading the Word and by working for God.

When you're accusing others of all they didn't do, their glaring lack reflects right back, and the spotlight points at you!

The Lord love the honest sinner better than the hypocritical self-righteous person.

The smallest package in all the World is a man wrapped up in himself.


Nikki (Sarah) said...

interesting thoughts. Sarah

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

These are great. I love the last one!!