Sunday, February 8, 2009

Feeling Blessed & Confused

A lot of people did without power, heat, hot water, cable and phone during the ice storm here in Western Ky. We had heat and hot water, and got power back after 5 days. The interesting and most blessed thing that came out of it was that during this stressful week (on most people), I was fairly relaxed playing cards with my kids and my family that stayed with us after the storm.

My kids learned how to play spades and rummy, and it was really cool to spend that quality time with them. They really seemed to enjoy it too, and I am hoping we can do more of it once things go back to normal and we all get back into our normal routines.

God is good all the time, and it is when you do without that you realize how truly blessed you really are.


During the storm I was a bit taken back by someone coming to my house asking me if they could buy drugs off of me (my pain pills from my recent hysterectomy). I was so shocked by this that all I could do was lie and say I had flushed them, when I probably should have called the police instead. This is someone with whom I am fairly aquainted with, and who should know better. I have decided that I need to keep my distance from this person but pray that they get the help they need.

If you know me at all then you know that this goes against my beliefs, morals, and values. Look up the word anti-drug and you will see my picture. I'm still very upset by this and clueless of what to do.

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