Thursday, January 8, 2009

Seven Weird Or Random Facts

My sister tagged me, so I guess I am it :) Here are seven weird or random things about me.

1. One of my nicknames is Miss Chin. My daddy called me that from the time I can remember, even as an adult he called me that or just "Chin". I really miss my daddy :(

2. My husband and I started dating in July of 1991, we got married in April of 1992, got a divorce in April of 1997, continued to live together, and got remarried in August of 2003. God did an amazing work on the both of us!

3. I was out of church for over 20 years, and I am so thankful that God got a hold of me again and pulled me out of the life I was living. To find true happiness, all one needs is God.

4. I can touch my nose with my tongue.

5. I have to drink coffee the first thing every morning or I get a bad headache that will not go away.

6. I had my first three kids by c-section and then the fourth was born natural, something that is very rare and most doctors will not allow anymore due to the serious risk of death for both mother and baby.

7. When I was 9 years old I got strep-throat and the infection went to the tubes of my kidneys causing post-strepococcal glumerulonephritis, which caused my kidneys to shut-down and I ended up in a coma for 5 days out of my two week stay at Lourdes Hospital in Paducah, Ky. If it had not been for the prayers and genius of my doctor, Dr. Shumaker, I probably would have died or ended up on dialysis or had to have a kidney transplant.

If you are reading this, you are tagged ... so get busy!

1 comment:

Rick Dawson said...

If Rogue hadn't tagged you, I was going to, but she tagged me as well :)