Monday, December 31, 2007

Awesome Day At Church Yesterday

Yesterday at church was AWESOME! Our youth pastor brought the message and it was a good one. It was about faithfulness, service, tithing, and how we should be in the word daily. I know God was speaking to me and Stanley. We have said I don't know how many times, that we are going to get a daily devotional started, but we never do.

We also used to tithe like we were supposed to, and when we did. everything worked out like it was supposed to, but something happened and it got to be an every now and then thing and now things aren't working so good. I don't know how we tithed to begin with because there is never enough money to pay all the bills, much less tithe, but God works it out when your faithful and obedient to him. We have to get back to tithing like we are supposed to, but it will take total trust in God because money is so incredibly tight right now.

Last night we watched The Climb during the evening servive at church. That is a real good movie. I see nothing wrong with showing a movie at church as long as it is about God. Of course, someone always has to complain about it, and sure enough, one did.

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