Friday, November 16, 2007

Updates - All Over The Place

Well we can now pray at WKCTC, PRAISE GOD! He worked it out and wanted us to know it was Him that did it.

I hurt my back Monday night, not sure how, it just started hurting. It got so bad that I had to go to a chiropractor Wednesday. X-rays showed several misalignments, including my pelivc bone was higher on the right and pushed forward on the right, and a few vertebrae were twisted.

I couldn't go to school Thursday and missed a test because of it. I was just so sore from all the adjustments. Today it was a little better, but I went back to the chiropractor, we found that my hip was still out of place, more adjustments hopefully fixed me right up. I feel better than I did this morning. I go back Monday to see how well the adjustments have worked.

Please pray for my friend "BW", she is starting to have seizures again, and those can be so dangerous to have, especially if she were to be driving or something like that. She went a pretty good while without having any, then they did a medicine change and she is having them again. Just pray that God will protect her from all harm and that he will heal her.

Also, please pray for my mom and her best friend's family. Her best friend died from cancer Tuesday night.

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