Friday, August 17, 2007

Moving Upward

I am really excited about what God is going to do through Upward Football & Cheerleading at our church. It is a great outreach opportunity. I got the phone call last night that I am a cheerleading coach for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade girls. That's exciting! I had to ask off for Saturday at work so that I could attend the meeting and meet the girls I'll be coaching.

My oldest son is going to be a referree for football, my husband was going to try to help out, but he isn't big on sports so he doesn't know enough to be a coach or referee. He wants to help out in any way he can though. I'm sure with nearly 100 kids, there will be room for helpers :) I just pray that through the Upward program that God will be glorified and that others will see Christ in us and kids will be saved.

1 comment:

AngelK said...

That's wonderful! I can tell you are very excited about it. It is great that your whole family can be involved. I too pray that God will be glorified through the Upward program. Thank you for your encouraging words, your prayers and scripture reference. I did not know that it was there until today. My blog didn't show that I had a new comment. Sorry! Have a wonderful day in the Lord.